Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons


My mother in law has loaned an excellent book to me, I can hardly put it down. It is about a Christian woman’s journey through prison and labour camps under communist rule. I love to read these true stories as it teaches me so much about myself and my own life. It reminds me of how selfish and materialistic I am and that my faith needs to be so much stronger. My life is so easy and I take it for granted. The title of the book is “The Pastor’s Wife” by Sabina Wurmbrand.

On the sewing front I made a nappy cover and notebook cover yesterday, both of which turned out nicely. Now I’m waiting on my next Winterwood delivery so I can start on some more dolls and fill up my sad little Etsy shop.

My husband has cruised the garage sales this morning and come home with a bunch of action figures (enter very happy son!) and some excellent big lattice screens for the garden. Our new water tank arrives on Monday, can’t wait! Now all we need is some rain to fill it!

I hope you have a wonderful and productive weekend.
God bless.

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