Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Oh, the heat!!

I was up early this morning, watering the gardening and getting as much done as possible before the heat set in. It was truly wonderful to have some quiet time to myself with the children all still asleep, its something I rarely get. I also made dinner early to eat cold this evening so things are really under control for a change.
The first morning of back to (home) school went exceptionally well with spelling, maths and social studies for the boy and tracing, drawing and mazes for young dd. Little’un was sick yesterday but seems her normal, happy self today.
It was 38 degrees yesterday, 41 for today, 43 forecast for tomorrow. We have spent the past couple of weeks looking into all our air conditioning options which has led to the decision that we can’t afford it at this time, so its another summer of jealously listening to the roar of neighbour’s airconditioners while we swelter. Ah well, its been 14 years without, I guess I can go a few more.

I don’t intend to use the sewing machine this week, but the creative juices are still… trickling, and I’ve been sketching up some embroidery and bear designs for when it gets cooler. I’ve treated myself to the latest Homespun magazine as there is not much else to do when its so hot.

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway which ends Saturday. If you’re a fellow Australian I hope you’re staying cool!

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