Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

It feels like Autumn

The bread is in the oven and a pot of pumpkin soup is bubbling away on the stove. The day is mild and overcast. The garden is recovering from the heat and some bulbs are shooting. Husband has the week off and has taken the boy on a camping/fishing trip to the Otways for a couple of days, they will have a great time.

My pregnancy is progressing well (21 weeks) and baby is moving around a great deal. The 20 week scan showed a very normal and active baby, thanks to God.

While the men are away I endeavour to organise a clean the house and hope to have enough time for dollmaking as well. I’m currently making a knitted pouch doll and a small waldorf doll.
In the interest of beautfiying our home a little I’m also on the lookout for a pattern for a table runner or small table quilt. Our home is very functional but not at all beautiful and I would like to start changing that to reflect our personalities and make our home cosy.

Have a lovely Autumn day!

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