Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Ways to cut homeschooling costs.

Homeschooling can cost much less than regular state school fees or more than private school fees – its really up to you how much you spend. We, as a family, have a frugal approach to every financial aspect of our lives and this certainly extends to homeschooling.

I have been using a very cheap curriculum for the past 4 years, however, the holes are starting to show and I’m not happy with the quality of materials. I will be spending a little more, which is OK considering it has been so affordable so far.

Whatever curriculum you choose (or write yourself if you’re that talented!) there are many cheap and free ways to supplement your lessons. Here are a few ideas:

-Your bookshelf can be an excellent resource. I constantly use our small encyclopedia set to write lessons for my son. Simply pick a topic eg. a country, get your child to read the available information and fill in a sheet of questions you have written out prior. Voila! Free lesson.

-Read a book or novel with the child and get them to write a book report. This can be a simple or complex assignment, it depends on the age and ability of the child.

– Go on an excursion. Find all the free resources in your area to visit. Go to the playground or park. Go to the library. Go for a picnic or nature walk. Some may not consider these activities as “schoolwork” but the children will learn and even better they will enjoy it!

– Take the morning off bookwork and instead play educational games with the children, do experiments, have a fun art and craft lesson or cook something together.

-There are many free online homeschooling resources. Take the time to look around and do some googling. For young children you will find a plethora of colouring in and activity sheets. For older children you will find some sample lessons or free lessons. I use Calvary Chapel Children’s Ministry for bible lessons, it has been invaluable and costs nothing! There are many other sites offering teacher resources, have a look.

– Remember, you are the teacher, you have the freedom to decide how your child/ren will learn best. Don’t worry about others who may try to influence your schedule, do what works for you and your kids!

And most importantly, keep up the good work!

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