Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Sweet Little Mary Janes

I made these newborn sized Mary Janes from a pattern by Sweet Little Patterns. They are so

cute, a bit fiddly but not too difficult. These are for one of my husband’s work colleagues who is expecting soon.
Now to something not so cute that I just have to share. I received an email from my older brother this morning that included a passage that was upsetting to me. Here it is, he is referring to the impending arrival of our fourth child:
“Surely 4 will be enough…I hope for your sake you’re not going to go back for any more, otherwise you’re going to be 60 before you get to live a bit of life for yourself. Your decision of course…”
Hmm. Not sure how to respond to that, in fact at this point I don’t think I will respond. He only has 2 children himself and of course is not having any more. Its so saddening how anti – life our society is and how deeply penetrating it is.
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