Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Birthday doll

Its the little one’s 2nd birthday on Monday, so I couldn’t let it pass without making one of her favourite things – a doll! This is one of my little 6 inch dolls and I knitted her a little dress and matching headband out of lovely soft baby yarn.

Just for something different I drew and painted her face on instead of embroidered. Her hair is alpaca and merino wool.
I’m working on a birthday apron too.
I’m starting to feel like I need to cram everything into the next 11 days (yes, 11 days!!!) before the baby arrives. I know I won’t even be able to contemplate sitting at the sewing machine for many weeks. This baby, like all my others will be born by caesarian section and I know by now that the recovery is slow.
The softie giveaway is still on!
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