Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Birthday girl!

2 years old today! Of course it seems like yesterday she was a wee babe in arms, now to be replaced by another wee one. She loves the little apron I made her and is still wearing it now. I actually made it while she was asleep, so no measurements, but it fits perfectly.

She loves her new wee waldorf too. She is pushing her dollies around in the doll pusher she also received – a very happy little girl.
Today is also husband’s birthday, unfortunately he is at work, but we’ll have a little party when he gets home!
These are the embroidered buttons I mentioned in the last post. I’ve been wanting to start a button collection for ages so these are a start. I used a tiny quilting between and one strand of embroidery floss for these. Its very enjoyable, I must do more!

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