Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Hugabub (drool)

Just got my Hugabub in the mail yesterday, to say that I’m impressed would be an understatement!
It came packed beautifully, had an instructional DVD and even a handwritten card congratulating me on the birth!
After watching the dvd to learn the different wrap styles I tried it out, baby loved it and slept for ages. I did have another baby carrier which I never used because it hurt my back and caesar scar, no such problems with this one, it feels great. Its also made in Australia.
(Just in case you’re wondering, no I don’t work for Hugabubs, I just like to share good products and companies with others!)

I’ve started crafting a little again, still haven’t “driven” the sewing machine as I’m worried I’ll wind up sore, but it won’t be long now, I’m feeling so terrific. I’m making a few small gifts for a kind person (do you know who you are?)
Husband has taken the 2 older children out to IMAX and the Melbourne Museum today, so once I peel myself away from this screen I should be able to fit in some craft time.
Lastnight I found a tapestry kit that my sister gave me (I’m ashamed to say!) about 10 years ago!!! Well, being the waste – hater that I am, I told myself in my night time overtired haze that I will finish it, no matter how long it takes.
Wish me luck, I may need it!

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