Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons


I rarely buy magazines, however, a hospital stay is a worthy excuse for buying not one, but three of your favourite magazines! I’ve had these sitting and waiting, so very tempting to peep, but no! I loooove craft and lifestyle magazines, every visit to the library sees me with at least a handful, but naturally, competition for new editions is fierce.
Check out the cover of this months Homespun, wouldn’t you be tempted to peep?!

Grass Roots – essential reading for suburbanites craving the country life!

I couldn’t go past Handmade, especially when I spied the “triple pack”. Who says clever marketing doesn’t work?
I’m signing off for a little while now, those of you who visit here regularly will know our new baby is arriving on Monday. I’ll be back as soon as I can manage (with baby pics of course!)
God bless you all and thanks for reading 🙂

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