Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

I’m back!

And I have a new internet plan so hopefully that won’t happen again.
So, what have I been up to? Well, this guy I made as part of a Crafty Mamas swap, in my typical fashion I forgot to take pictures of the rest of the things I sent.

He was made from all recycled materials except for his clean wool stuffing. Note the wedding photo in the background!

I was lucky enough to win this pretty fabric on Corrine’s blog, I plan to make a little summer dress for one of the girls, I’m looking for the right pattern.

My first attempt at needle felting (its a dog, not a bear!). Many thanks to Marie for her guidance. Like most things, it was a little more difficult than I thought, but I have many plans for more needle felting. Practice makes perfect!

Today I’m working on a new doll – its been a long time, I lost my doll mojo there for a while, but its back with a vengeance, I’m really enjoying making this one and can’t wait to finish and list her in the shop.

See you soon!

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