Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons


The time has come for little Milly to find a home. She has received plenty of attention in my shop but is tired of waiting for someone to buy her, she is ready to be loved and played with! She is, of course, an original design and made in the waldorf style with lovely cotton tricot, wool felt, mohair yarn and is stuffed with clean carded wool. Her clothes are removable. She is 8 inches tall.

If you would like to enter please:

1. Leave a comment and become a follower of this blog.

2. Blog about this giveaway with a link to this site. (I’ll be checking!)

Milly doesn’t mind travelling, so this giveaway is open to all earthly residents.
I’ll draw the winner in 2 weeks time.

One word of warning – Milly has button jointed arms and long hair, so is not really suitable for little ones.

Best of luck!!

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