Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

From flaw to feature.

I still make a lot of mistakes when sewing, mostly through lack of focus or simply experimenting. The great thing is when you discover that not every mistake is a disaster and the unpicker does not neccessarily have to be your constant companion. Such a handy tool, but gee I HATE UNPICKING!!
I need some more bibs for very vomity baby and thought I could use some fabric leftovers and make it up as I go along. All went well until I attached the binding and found it was way too thick and looked funny.

I spent ages making that binding in the first place, so the thought of replacing did not appeal. So, I ran a zig zag stitch around the inside of the straight stitch and voila! It anchored the inside of the binding down and balanced out the look.

Now I just need to figure out how to use my new snaps press and I can make a bunch more 🙂

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