Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

It’s giveaway time!

For my Christmas Giveaway (and also coinciding with my 300th post!) I’ve joined forces with Corrie from Retro Mummy (you know her already, right? Fabulous online store with gorgeous fabrics, books & gadgets – basically a sewer’s paradise!)
Corrie and I are offering a $50 gift voucher to spend on anything (yes, anything!) you like in the Retro Mummy store.
So, here’s what you need to do to enter:
1. Leave a comment here telling me what would be the first thing you would buy from the store if you win. (This will give you one entry)


Blog about this giveaway with a link back to here. (This will give you two entries)

I will draw a random winner on Sunday 6th December, that will give you a couple of weeks to spend the voucher and totally spoil yourself for Christmas.

Fingers crossed for you!

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