Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Thank you all for your supportive comments and emails yesterday. After I posted it here I thought I may have been overly sensitive and over reacting, but I see from your responses that you understand. Thanks again.

So, what do you do to improve the day when you’re not feeling great? You sew, of course! My little one even indulged me yesterday afternoon by sleeping for 4 hours straight! I made her a bib and some much needed nappy covers (she insists on growing so fast!)

I continued the stitchery project I’ve been working on (yes, you’ll get to see it when I’m done 🙂
And I made some shorts for little half pint. I love this fabric, it’s so cheery. Unfortunately she wasn’t so cheery when I took this photo (missed her afternoon sleep).

Who needs a pool when you have a bucket? I’ll admit it’s not quite as fun, but it sure is a lot cheaper.
We’re heading to the farm tomorrow to visit my husband’s parents so I won’t be around for a few days. See you when we get back.
God bless.

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