Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

WAHM ideas

I know many of you who read my blog are stay at home mums, as I am. For the record, I haven’t been able to find a way of making a regular income from home even after trying for 10 years! I’ve tried selling books, second hand clothes, I’ve even advertised in the local paper to do ironing with a total success rate of 0!!  I’ve been able to sell a few craft items here and there for the equivalent of slave wages – not very sustainable. I wish it was as simple as following your passions and “what you’re good at”. However, I haven’t given up and I’m more determined than ever to earn money without having to compromise my family by seeking work outside the home.

1. Sell your crafts

2. Online shop

3. Clothing alterations

4. Market stall

5. Childcare (Family day care in your own home)

6. Freelance services (bookeeping, financial services, design etc)

7. Employer arrangement to work from home

8. Write ebooks

sites to check out:

Maybe this will be your year? (and hopefully mine!)

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