Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Baby knot doll

The sale of a few dolls lately has allowed me to be a bit adventurous and make up some new designs. This is my first knot doll, you just have to see it and hold it to know how cute it is! There is a little bell inside for a rattle.

I’m so loving this Hilco knit, it’s mighty expensive but gorgeous to sew with. I’d love to be able to afford to make the girls some clothes out of it one day, I know it would feel beautiful to wear. This little one is in my Etsy shop now.

Looking back over this week it’s a wonder I got anything done at all. The baby has chickenpox (making a good recovery now) and the other 3 came down with bad colds.
There has been a great deal of tomato harvesting and cooking, breadmaking, and a first time success with yoghurt making (I’ll share how soon). There has been homeschooling, piano lessons, Ash Wednesday, breastfeeding and piles of nappies and laundry.
And amongst all this I managed some sewing!!

My giveaway ends tomorrow, don’t forget!

Until then…………………

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