Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Homeschool resources

I have a few Lamb’s Book of Art workbooks, I think they are fantastic. They’re available in all different levels from preschool up and are biblically based, so you will find scripture quotes on each page and most of the activities are based on morals etc. I bought this one last year for my 9 year old son who had no confidence drawing, colouring or painting. This book has really changed his outlook on art, I highly recommend it.
I also have a couple of the preschool books for my 4 year old and she loves them. For the young children I photocopy the pages so we can go over them again and I can use them with the next children at the right age.
Another excellent resource is Seton Homeschooling. Although I don’t use any Seton curriculum I am signed up for the monthly newsletter which is very helpful and informative. It reminds me of important religious days and ways to celebrate and it’s ever so encouraging. One of the things I feel a lack of as a homeschooling Mum is encouragement, and I’ve found you go looking for it wherever you can!
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