Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Lil’ Mim

I have a new design and here she is! I created Lil’ Mim from a character based on one of my girls. My first thought was to launch a pattern for this type of doll, but I’m coming to accept that I can’t always do what I want all the time, in other words – the pattern will have to wait, I don’t have the time at present.
Did I mention she’s available in my Etsy shop now?
She is a smallish doll at 10 inches, simply because over the years I’ve discovered I like to make smaller rather than larger dolls.
I will be making a bunch of these in various colours and styles, I really love the pattern and feel it is the most “me” design I’ve come up with so far.
I have the prototype doll that will feature in a giveaway here next week, she is quite different to this one in her colourings.
My family and I are going away for part of the weekend (hooray, what a treat!!) so I won’t be around for a few days.
I hope your days until then are filled with many blessings.
Lil Mim has SOLD – thank you!!
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