Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Make your own yoghurt

Yoghurt is getting really expensive in supermarkets and it’s really easy and much cheaper to make your own. Did I mention it’s also delicious – it is! You’ll need some store bought natural yoghurt with live cultures and a cooking thermometer to start. This is for a small quantity, you can easily double the recipe for a larger batch.
I start with 2 cups of fresh full cream milk and heat in a saucepan to about 85 degrees celsius.
It’s best to heat slowly to prevent burning.
Cool the milk to about 45 degrees celsius, then stir in 1/4 cup of the store bought yoghurt.
Pour the mixture into a large jar that has been cleaned with very hot & soapy water. Any utensils should also be pre – cleaned in this manner.

Put a lid on the jar. Wrap the jar with a towel and secure with rubber bands. You can fill another jar with hot water and lid it to keep the temperature in the esky more even if you like, I’ve found the yoghurt sets really well doing this.
Pop your jar/s in an esky and close the lid. Leave overnight (about 12 hours) then refrigerate. How easy is that?
Reserve some of your yoghurt for the next batch to use as the starter.

Next time I’ll show you how to make yoghurt cheese or spread! Mmmmmm!!!

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