Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

A successful barter and a whinge!

Remember my post about bartering? Here is what I received in the mail today, thank you Gilly, what a welcome parcel! I don’t own many crafting books, so you’ve just doubled my collection. I just love surprises!

Now for the whinge. I picked up my sewing machine yesterday after it jammed and had to wait a week whilst it was (apparently) repaired. Naturally, I was very eager to use it yesterday, but what with h.schooling starting back today I had a lot to organise. Anyway…… I managed to steal a few moments earlier to work on a skirt, and, lo and behold – it’s still jammed!!
This is the point where I had to stem my natural inclination to run to the phone to ask the repairer if there had been a misunderstanding, as in – I give you $80, you give me fixed machine. Yes I appreciate your dusting my machine, after all it was a bit dusty, but I actually wanted to use it not just look at it. Ok, Ok, now I’m getting snitchy, but surely not without justification?!

On a lighter note, our first day back at after the hols’ went brilliantly despite a toddler with a tummy upset and it has generally been a very good day.

Off to the sewing centre I go…………

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