Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Another custom order completed

I really enjoy the challenge of a custom order. Matching requested colours, combining my style with the customer’s style.

This one is for a little girl with big blue eyes. The cute fabric for her dress is from Retro Mummy.
I have to tell you about the hair. The customer requested a “deep honey” colour which was somewhat challenging to find. At The Craft Circle I found this handspun wool that has the most gorgeous  
warm, earthy tones of brown and gold. It suits the doll’s warm skin most beautifully.

Alright, enough gushing about dolls!
On the home front I’ve had 2 sick children this week so not a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to next week doing Easter crafts and preparation. Easter is such a special time, I love the closing of Lent, the beautiful Masses of Holy Week and the joyous celebration of Our Lord’s resurrection.

Have a great weekend!

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