Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Gulp…. I’m scared!

OK, I’ve come this far, and I’ll readily admit it’s been a challenge. “But you’re a doll maker!” I hear you say. “Making bears should be easy for you – right?!”
You may notice that my otherwise assembled bear remains earless and faceless. There is a reason for that. Today I started to tentatively snip some hairy bits from around the muzzle, as you do, but was suddenly paralyzed (scissors in mid air) with fear that I was going to stuff it up. Badly. I don’t like to stuff up badly, especially when I’ve invested considerable time and money in the first place.
So maybe I need to get over myself a little, but in the meantime the bear will sit and look (well not actually look – she doesn’t have eyes) but just sit there until I get some courage to finish her off.
P.S. Any tips or recommendations will be heartily welcomed!
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