Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

For the love of stitching

My introduction to the vast and wonderful world of craft many moons ago was in the form of an old biscuit tin. It was a gift from my mother in law and contained a variety of embroidery threads she had used as a young woman and nurse (before she married and had 10 children!)

Since then I’ve tried many, many (too many!) crafts, but when all is said and done I find myself content with a needle and thread. Maybe it’s being able to produce something beautiful over time. Maybe it’s the combination of artistic and needle skills. Probably it’s the opportunity for a little bit of therapeutic quiet in a noisy world.

My particular interest is to produce a beautiful thread painting that I’m proud of. I came across some excellent lessons by Mary Corbet at Needle ‘N Thread which I’m starting to work through.

Have a great day, I’m off to do some stitching!

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