Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Buying scondhand

I have another purchase to add to my secondhand list for this year. My old and cheap vacuum cleaner went out in spectacular fashion last week with a flash that shorted out the entire house. This left me with some anxiety (4 kids, carpet, no vacuum, gasp!!)

So yesterday I brought home a Wertheim with a power head and all attachments. The new model of this cleaner retails for about $1500 – the one that I bought secondhand has been re built and has a new motor for a price of $500.

We’ve spent a bit of time running around the carpet with it and are amazed (and a little disgusted) at how much dirt and dust the new machine lifts.

Secondhand price $130

New price $ 1500

Saving $1000 (!!!)

– Total savings tally for 2010 –   $1, 320

Hey, don’t forget the giveaway (click on the button on the sidebar). I’ll be back later today to draw the random winner.

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