Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Who says direct marketing doesn’t work?

I had already decided not to go to the Craft & Quilt Fair – that is until this colourful little piece of promotional material turned up in my mailbox. My resolve weakened, then gave way completely as I leafed through the pages and saw what and who will be there. By the end of the brochure I felt it would be a crime against craftiness to not attend!
In other news, I have one newly arrived nephew with another shortly making his way into the world, so some very warm and fleecy baby blankets were in order. Thanks to Spotlight’s stocktake sale they were very economical to make too!
And Mim made her way out from under her blanket (see previous post) to celebrate her 3rd birthday. It was also my husband’s birthday so we had a lovely small party for them both.
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