Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Chocolate pudding recipe

It is so cold here at the moment I felt it would be almost criminal not to bake a nice hot pudding for dessert tonight.
My Grandmother gave me this recipe and it has been very well used.
1 cup self raising flour                1 teaspoon vanilla essence or extract
2 tablespoons cocoa                                         3/4 cup brown sugar
30 grams melted butter                                      1/4 cup cocoa (extra) 
1/2 teaspoon of salt                                   1 & 3/4 cups of hot water
                                                                         1/2 cup of milk          
                                                                          3/4 cup sugar
Sift flour, salt and cocoa. Add sugar. Stir in milk, vanilla and melted butter, mix or beat together until smooth.  Spread into a casserole dish.
Sprinkle brown sugar and extra cocoa on top of mixture. Pour hot water on gently.
Bake at 180 degrees (C) for 45 – 55 minutes.
Serve with cream, icecream or both!
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