Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Make your vote count

Unless you live under a rock you will be aware tomorrow is an important day for Australia.

When I was growing up there were a few “taboo” subjects – one of them being politics. There was no discussion, just an expectation that you would vote a certain way simply because that was what the family had always done. This is what I did for a while until I became interested enough to really look into who I was voting for.

 I urge you to take the time to find out as much as you can about the party and candidates you intend to vote for. You may be surprised at what you uncover. Don’t rely on the media to tell you who to vote for, they are very biased and sensationalist.

So, who am I voting for tomorrow? I’ll tell you who I won’t be voting for. I don’t think an atheist who supports abortion up to birth and has communist affiliations is what our country needs. I hope that whoever wins will steer Australia in the right direction and have the citizen’s best interests at heart.

Happy voting!

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