Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

The most pathetic movie ever?

This one flew under my Superman radar for some reason (pun intended) and I never saw it. Now I wish I hadn’t! With our 10 year old son being into all things superhero we thought we’d give it a shot, and besides, it was free from the library. 
Wow, was this movie a stinker! There was hardly a division between the geeky Clark Kent and the “supposed” superhero Superman, and as for “Nuclear Man”, he was a total non event. 
As our son rather aptly stated after watching – “That was like one of my silly superhero stories from years ago”.
I’ll admit I got a chuckle out of the female character’s pencil skirts, puffy blouses and boofy hair.
So tell me, what’s your most pathetic movie ever?
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