Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Committing to creativity

I’ve been increasingly frustrated by the lack of time I get to work on my own art and craft projects. Sometimes it seems every waking minute is spent caring for others and working at jobs that aren’t particularly thrilling or inspiring but nonetheless essential.
This has led me to ponder my role and responsibilities as primary educator of my children and the fact that I have many talents I can share with them and partly fulfill my need to create at the same time. So, as of this week I’ve made a commitment to be more creative with my children even though it means more mess and more planning. Because it also means more fun for us all and education that is not monotonous.
Here are a few things we did this week. Colouring in pictures together.
Making a terrific mess with shaving cream and paint.

Constructing and painting insect models that also became pretend lollipops. Check out the fierce         concentration!

We’ve also done wool threading, picture painting, baking and playdough. Now I need to start planning for next week, I think we’ll need to go scouting for some new materials!

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