Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Which direction to take? Advice please?!

I had thoughts of stocking my Etsy shop for Christmas but I feel (and have felt for some time) that I’m at a crossroads with my craft. I desperately want to make my passion for craft into a career but can’t decide what to do, it’s so frustrating!

I have sold a few dolls this year which is nice, however this is just pocket money, not an income. With dolls you put in a lot of work for a little money. I’d like to take the next step with hand dyeing and sell some fabrics but I’m not sure if there is any demand. Likewise with my embroidery patterns. It’s not that I mind putting in the work but I think it all comes back to my fear of failure that plagues me constantly.
I’ve failed before. In fact, any “business” or money making venture I’ve undertaken has ultimately failed. I see others succeeding at things I have failed at and I don’t know why.

My husband suggested that I try doing a market with my hand dyed fabrics just to see how it goes, which seems a good idea but would take a lot of work and organisation. It would also mean I would have to stop being such a hermit(ess).
Any advice would be very well received, in any case, thanks for “listening” 🙂

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