Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

I love breastfeeding, but…

I guess it’s part and parcel of breastfeeding that you receive the odd nip here and there, I’ve certainly received a few over the years.
This morning’s “nip” however, was perpetrated by a 14 month old with plenty of teeth who didn’t let go until she realised I was screeching because of her! I have the wound to prove it too! Trust me when I say the offended area was throbbing and burning for quite some time.
In her defence, I think she thought she was biting my nightie which I was trying to wrangle out of the way in the wee pre dawn hours. My husband’s instant response was that I will now give up breastfeeding altogether – it not being worth the trouble.
But… but… I don’t want to! I’m not ready! Each of my babes have been the ones to give up, not me.
It’s such a special thing to be able to nourish a child in this way and to have close bonding time (not that chomping does much for the bonding!) Perhaps it’s because I know she may be our last baby because of my medical problems, that I’m more determined to hang in there.
Whatever the case, I have big apprehensions about the impending bedtime feed tonight.
We shall see…..

In much brighter news it’s a glorious sunny day today so I baked some fruit loaves. The girls had their hair washed and put on some pretty summery dresses.

We smothered the bread with jam and pure cream. Marvellous. We ate both loaves!
Our garden picnic. Happy times and treasured memories.
Happy weekend!
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