Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

From scraps to….

Experimenting with dyes and paints is lots of fun but can leave you with a lot of swatches. Being the despiser of waste that I am I’m always trying to come up with ways of using the scraps.
My embroidery scissors had been housed in my needlecase, which was just awful as they were forever falling out.
Ah – much better! If I was going to have a scissors case it needed to be bright so I wouldn’t lose it!
I sewed together bits and pieces of painted and dyed swatches, then practiced my free motion embroidery to make it really interesting.
I love a project that brings together a variety of skills and techniques. I machine embroidered spirals on the front.
And stippled all over the back. Now I think I’m ready to tackle a bigger machine embroidered project!
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