Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Has blogging changed?

Or is it my naivety that leads me to ponder in this way?

The number of bloggers who seemingly start out as your everyday “I’m here to share” type personality and quickly become “hey, I have 600 followers, time to make some money!” seem to be on the increase. Have you been romanced yet? The blogger who “finds” your blog and leaves a comment for every post you write, quickly becoming your best blogger friend. And what happens when you become a follower of their blog or buy something from them? You never hear from them again. Ever. No emails, no comments, nothing. Sound familiar?

I realise that blogging can be a good way to make money. It can be a great advertising platform for your business (I always mention a new Etsy listing and have links to my shop) but doesn’t there need to be more than that? These thoughts led me to revisit my reasons for starting a blog in the first place.

I enjoy reading other blogs.

I have learned a great deal about various crafts, homeschooling and so many other interests from the internet and blogs. I felt that I could also share skills in this way.

Initially I wanted to document my sewing and crafting journey. My blog has become more personal over the years so that I now also share a lot of myself and my family.

I still think blogging is a great thing, but I guess from time to time I start to feel a little disillusioned by the whole “big blogger, small blogger” thing. Kinda like a popularity contest?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject……

Oh, and by the way – if you’re one of those bloggers I’ve been “romanced” by – I no longer visit you. But then I guess you wouldn’t be reading my lowly little post now would you?

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