Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Mud pies with worms for dessert anyone?

Here is a fun holiday activity for the children – and the best part is it’s edible!
We got the idea from “God’s Design for Life – The World of Animals” by Debbie and Richard Lawrence (a most excellent set of Christian science books).
First, mix a packet of chocolate instant pudding according to the instructions on the packet. I don’t usually go for this pre – packaged stuff, but it is quick and easy. You could substitute with home made chocolate mousse or similar if you don’t like the packet stuff.
Crush some chocolate cookies (we used Chocolate Ripple biscuits).
Place some of the cookie crumbs in the bottom of a clear plastic or glass cup. On top of this, place a gummy worm so that it sits up a little.
Spoon the pudding mix in dollops and add another gummy worm if you want. Sprinkle a thick layer of cookie crumbs on top.
Refrigerate until set, then watch them disappear into waiting mouths!
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