Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

On embroidery, business and list writing

So I didn’t get time to stitch lastnight as I’d hoped but I thought I’d share one of the embroidery projects I have on the go. One of my Mother-in-law’s oldies that was never started, a printed linen table cloth. I was really unsure of colourways but eventually decided on a fresh and modern take, so nice and vibrant but harmonious colours.

I was more than a little excited to open a little box of my very first business cards! Surely someone will take me seriously now? (Total tongue in cheek). At least I don’t have to hastily scrawl down my details when someone is interested in my work now, and these certainly look better than my handwriting!

Now for the list writing. Last year when I was homeschooling with a baby and life was mostly an insane and hardly bearable chaotic rush I let a lot of things slip – including the writing of lists. I’m determined to start afresh and make this year different.
Yesterday I crossed off 8 items out of 11 – pretty good for me! What wasn’t completed yesterday transfers to today’s list. This is so important for my organisation, crossing items off my list makes me feel in control and makes a sometimes overwhelming day of tasks achievable. (I can just imagine Posie nodding emphatically!)
If you feel snowed under try writing lists – even if you only get one thing crossed off it is a way of laying out your tasks so that rather than feeling that you’re drowning in work you can have a detached sense of what you have to do.
Once you have a basic daily list you will probably find yourself writing a list for everything – goals (short and long term), shopping, trips away, purchases needing to be made, schedules….

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