Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

We survived – we even thrived a little!

The first day back homeschooling was the stuff of nightmares as I dealt with children who had forgotten how to be good students! Thankfully, it got progressively better as the week continued and now we’re well and truly back into a good routine.
I even got a little time to sew and dye.
Little Miss 3.5 has been asking for one of my twirly circle skirts for some time. I received the cotton lawn I’d been waiting on and once she saw the roll there were no more excuses!
In her favourite colours – purple and pink. I think she likes it!
This one is an elasticated A – line that I dyed in a spiral.
It’s destined for my Etsy shop.
I love the summery colours!
It’s so rewarding to be able to make clothes from scratch.

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