Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

3 biggest money wasters

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People often ask me about our finances as we have a mortgage, 4 children and one main income. If someone is telling me they don’t have enough money I start with a checklist similar to this one.

1. Do you have a credit card/s?
If you really want to save money – get rid of it! If you have credit card debt make it your no. 1 financial priority to pay it off (and cut the card up immediately!)

2. Do you have pay T.V?
Not only a waste of time, a waste of money. With the money and time you would save by not having it you can invest in other things, the main one being yourself.

3. Do you smoke?
Not much to be said here. Do whatever you can to quit. Tobacco is an ongoing expense in every way – you become addicted to it, so repeat buying, your health will suffer whether you admit it or not and end up costing you not only money but quality of life. (For those who think I’m simplifying the problem – I’m an ex – smoker of 6 years. Quitting is one of the very best things I’ve ever done!)

If you change even one of these money wasters you will notice a big difference in your budget.
Happy saving!

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