Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

AQC wishlist

Sarah Fielke’s new book

   Nikki’s new book

I was really taken with the work that Kim Bradley does with Cretacolor pastels – just beautiful. The pastels, however, are very expensive!

I had set myself a budget but ended up spending very little as the miser in me tends to kick in and disallow frivolous or impulsive purchases. Some of the above may be attainable sometime. I did buy a little purse kit from Nikki’s stall, a few more buttons to add to the collection I’m saving for my girl’s treasure boxes and a little bit of fabric to make the purse. So now I have money left over to buy some nice batting for the Maisy quilt, which is coming along quite nicely thank you!

Happy and holy Palm Sunday to you all, I’m looking forward to a great Holy week.

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