Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Few or many?

I’m so grateful for my children, all 4 of them. I would be grateful for more too – there is simply nothing more important, challenging, joyful and priveleged as raising children.

You know there’s a but coming. Sometimes when I see what other parents of smaller families are able to provide for their children it leaves me wondering. Would my children be happier with their own playroom? Their own bedrooms? Brand new clothes instead of second hand or op shopped? Fancier foods? The list could go on.

But then I remember what my children have taught me about life and about them. That they need love. Lots of it. Attention, lots of that too. Positive interaction. And God takes care of the rest, so that we always have what we need but not always what we want.

The fact that the children are constantly asking me when their next sibling might appear and that they are all each other’s best friends confirms that a large family is a good thing for us and that our children do not want for anything.

Thanks be to God.

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