Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Today is a good day!

Sometimes it can feel that the happy days are few and far between but when they happen it’s a wonderful thing!

The sun doth shine.

The tired grouchiness of a certain 5 year old that made yesterday so awful is gone and has been replaced with smiles and good cheer. Pheeeeewwww!

The little one is having a long sleep to respite from her teething troubles.

Before husband left for work we teamed up so that most of the housework is done and I can have some relaxation ie. stitching time this afternoon. Hooray for good, selfless men!

Something about sticking my hands into a beautiful piece of soft and sticky dough makes me happy.

I’ve baked fruit bread and pikelets for the Lord’s Day and roasted a fresh batch of coffee beans.

I’m looking forward to the Quilt Convention tomorrow. I’ve saved my pennies and set myself a budget. It’s so long since I bought some nice new fabric, so that’s a priority!

I hope you’re having a good day too.

I’ll be back later to draw the giveaway, good luck!

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