Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Wanna see something gorgeous?

Sorry, but no, it isn’t a photo of yours truly 😉

I have been apprehensively excitedly awaiting my parcel for the cushion swap. The last swap I participated in didn’t go so well – I didn’t like what I was sent and considering the resounding silence from my recipient I figure the feeling was mutual… Back to my parcel. I knew when it arrived this morning and saw the beautifully decorative label that I was in for a treat.

I had to force myself to pause for this photo!
The accompanying bookmark reads:
“I hope you like it! The 4 chicks are symbolising your 4 kids and the chicken theme is a nod to your natural, organic life!”
The girls were all over the cushion, each trying to claim it for their own bed!

 The back was finished with an invisible zip (oh boy, I wish I could sew in a zip like this lady!)

I can see how much time and thought went into this cushion and I’m really touched and honoured to be in possession of it. The quality of stitching is just superb. It is now sitting on the couch and makes me smile when I walk past.

Naturally, you want to know the talented artist who made this. Her name is Anna and she a website and a blog.

Shiny Happy Art and the blog.


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