Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Flower fairies and butterflies in stumpwork

I just received my final piece for my stumpwork assessment back from the framer. Having never had anything framed before it was quite a thrill! I’m glad I chose the more expensive frame as it’s so beautiful and the floral theme ties in with my piece beautifully. 

I’ve used a variety of techniques in the piece including my favourite – silk ribbon embroidery.

I can’t tell you how much thought, planning, then work went into this but I absolutely love it.

And another homework assessment finished and mounted. This is a blue morpho butterfly.

The wings are all detached and the body embroidered directly onto the fabric.

So now I just need to finish and assemble my samplers and I’m ready for my assessment in a few weeks, how exciting to have come so far! I’m already planning what to learn next and I feel it must involve silk ribbons!

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