Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Summer Strawberry Cheesecake

I love cheesecake. Love it. Not baked though, only unbaked. Baked seems wrong somehow. It just doesn’t work for me. Where was I? I love cheesecake, and for those of you who love cheesecake I’m going to share my very first attempt at my own recipe. It’s really nice, you should try it.
1 packet Marie biscuits, crumbed
100g melted butter
Mix the crushed biscuits and melted butter together thoroughly and press into the base of a greased cheesecake tin. Refrigerate.
1 cup strawberry puree (see instructions below)
1 tablespoon powdered gelatine (or substitute *)
375 grams cream cheese (bring to room temp.)
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 and 1/4 cup cream, whipped
For puree – Hull and wash 2 punnets of strawberries, if large cut in half. Using a food processor or suitable replacement, puree the strawberries with 1 tablespoon of sugar and a squeeze of lemon. Leftover puree is wonderful on yoghurt, icecream, even cereal.
Place 1 cup of puree into a small saucepan with the gelatine, caster sugar and lemon juice and stir with a fork over a low heat. You want to heat the ingredients, not cook them. Leave to cool while you:
Beat the cream cheese until creamy. Beat in the cooled strawberry mixture until smooth. Fold in the whipped cream lightly. Pour onto the base and refrigerate until set.
3/4 cup strawberry puree
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons arrowroot
Warm ingredients together in a small saucepan (once again – just warming, not cooking). Pour on top of set cheesecake and refrigerate until set.
Serve with additional whipped cream if desired.
I hope you enjoy this recipe – as always I’m more than happy to answer questions or receive comments or suggestions. 
* It has come to my attention that some people prefer not to use gelatine so here is a link for suitable alternatives and quantities.

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