Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Little butterflies cardi

Another knit finished and no inclination to slow down 🙂 This beautiful little cardi is Little Butterflies from Tikki (couldn’t you have guessed, I’m a little obsessed with this lady’s patterns!)

This photo has the best colour representation. The yarn is Bendigo Woollen Mills Luxury 8 ply in the colour Aquarium. 

She chose rainbow striped buttons and I made her a little brooch to go with it.
It would be amiss of me to not thank my girl for modelling on a day where she has a horrible cold and is feeling rotten, good on you Gem!
And just in case you’re wondering, I do have another cardi cast on already with some yarn I hand dyed (I’ll show you that another day). And yes. It’s another Tikki pattern 🙂

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