Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Chocolate crunchy slice

I suddenly remembered this recipe yesterday. It is one of my Mum’s old recipes and now that she is gone I have her recipe book which is largely hand written.
As a girl I would make it for my Dad while he was working – I’d take him a cup of coffee and some slice and his most common response was “Goody!” while rubbing his hands together.
It’s really easy for kids to make too, my 5 year old made this one with me.
2 cups dessicated coconut
250 grams butter
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 cups self raising flour
1 cup sugar
Pre heat oven to 180 degrees. (C)
Melt butter and add to the dry ingredients. Mix well. If mixture seems a little dry add a little milk.
Press into a lightly greased slice tray. Bake for 25 minutes.
When cool you may ice the slice if you wish. I make a simple icing with soft icing sugar, cocoa powder and milk. Spread this on and sprinkle with extra coconut.

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