Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

I didn’t have time…

I didn’t have time to finish the ironing today. I didn’t have time to clean the toilet. Or to scrub that desperately dirty shower. Or to dust the layers of built up dust. Or to tidy my sewing table. Nope, no time to vacuum out the van either.

But I did have time to do art and craft with the children. I had time to take them to the playground to play in the sun. I had time to make them tasty and wholesome meals. I had time to wash and hand their clothes. I had time to respond to the seemingly endless “watch me Mum!”s and smile and laugh where appropriate. I had lots of time for hugs and kisses.

And the day is not over yet! I will have time to bathe them and wash their hair. We will all pray together. We will read books and snuggle together.

I’m annoyed and disappointed that I didn’t have time to do everything that I could have today. But I’m so grateful that I made time to do all the things I should.

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