Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

3 ways to save money today – volume 4

1. Become a library member.
It costs nothing but can save you thousands! Instead of buying magazines I borrow them. If I’m interested in a book I often “try it out” from the library to know whether it’s worth buying. Some are real gems but most I’m glad I didn’t shell out cash for. Oh, and don’t let your items get overdue and undo all your good savings by having to pay late fees.

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2. Find free activities for the kids.
There are so many free places to take your kids, the list is endless. Once again, our library has many activities that are free. Check your local council for events. Ask people for recommendations. Search online. And if you decide on a day trip, pack food and water so you don’t have to pay a fortune for unhealthy food.

3. Pay your mortgage fortnightly. You may have heard this before, but it really does save you more in the long run. When we had a mortgage I found it satisfying to know our debt was going down fortnightly rather than monthly too, plus it’s not so much to pay all in one hit so you’re not as likely to miss it.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway, which ends Friday!

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