Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Silk, beautiful silk!

I love silk, don’t you? Not just for the way it feels when you wear it or the way it takes dye so beautifully, but also for the way it’s made – so cool!
So, I thought I’d share with you some of the work I’ve been doing with silk of late. I’ve been implementing a lot of Japanese dyeing techniques with excellent results.

Arashi – meaning “storm” creates these wondrous waves.

I cheated – this is bamboo, not silk, but I love the results so much I couldn’t not share it!

Crepe de chine, different to silk habotai but equally wonderful in it’s qualities.

Some of these scarves have already sold but others have only just been uploaded to my Etsy shop, so pop over for a gander if you see something you like – they make wonderful gifts too 🙂

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