Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Twisted Ink on Etsy!

Dreams, we all have them right? My wonderful husband has worked diligently in his day job to support us at home. Without him we would not be able to live our lifestyle. But he has dreams. His dream is to make a living as an artist. And now, the dream has started to come to fruition.
He has been creating his drawn designs by hand for some time now. Recently, some of those designs were screen printed onto t-shirts.

The t-shirts are either organic or fair trade. The inks are water based.

They look so great, he can’t wait to get out there and start selling them. He plans to have several market stalls (the difficult part is fitting this in around his regular work).

He has opened an Etsy shop, and slowly but surely we are uploading his shirts. I’m so proud of my husband to have been able to take the initiative to use his talents in this way. I would love for you to take a look at his new Etsy shop!
He can also be found on his very popular Facebook page.

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