Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

Completed projects this week

Not one but two projects completed for me this week, this is almost unheard of!
First up, the Primrose dress for my 4 year old princess. I knit this in 8ply superwash and hand dyed it just for this project. 

A little lace detail on the hem. 

And some ladybird buttons to finish off with. There is lace detail on the shoulders and sleeve trim too.  
I was really thrilled with this pattern – it was simple and easy to knit, the sizing is accurate and it was all explained so well that I didn’t feel like tearing my hair out like I normally would with a knitting project! The pattern in by New Zealander, Julia Stanfield.

Next up, some tea towels off the loom. I wove these with 4ply Bendigo Woollen Mills cotton.

I’m pretty happy with how they turned out, despite the wonky edges! I learned that weaving with 4ply is more challenging than 8ply.

It seems that as I grow more confident as a weaver and knitter I also increase in speed, which is a wonderful thing, it means I can turn out more beautiful things for my family!
Linking up with Ginny’s Yarn Along 🙂

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